Dolly Dolce
Joined: Sep 17, 2011
Dolly Dolce- Dolly was born in Hawai'i, but has been in Tampa Bay since she was a baby. She grew up always being involved with sports. Played basketball and football. Not many opportunities for hockey in Florida pre 1990's. Then Phil Esposito changed her life forever when he decided to bring The Tampa Bay Lightning to Tampa. She was at the first home game and was instantly drawn to the sport. She's been a Lightning fan since the beginning, loss or win, thick and thin she bleeds Bolt Blue. She's always loved to take pictures and write sports articles, mystery novels, and articles for patriotic organizations. The opportunity to mix her two passions of hockey and writing for the sport that she loves is a dream come true! She has a goal of going back to school for Sports Journalism, Sports Media, and Sports Photography. She even met the love of her life through her passion for the team. You can read about it here: www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http://www.tampabay.com/features/article1217680.ece&ei=hgpMUKviD4vm8gS024CoAQ&usg=AFQjCNFcDIxbcefEobx9KkJZKZ_QVe3_Sw&sig2=0LoaiSEJ8opBL5vK02kkog You can email her personally at kauionalani07@gmail.com and follow her on Twitter @huladolly