Many Detroit Red Wings fans want to see significant changes in regards to the General Manager and Head coach. I wonder if the Ducks are in a similar situation?
Bob Heyrman: Similar to the Ducks, many Red Wings fans want to see a change in management from General Manager to Head coach. Can you talk a little about Randy Carlyle and what you consider his biggest fault is? Who would be your number one choice to replace him? Is it too late in the season to make a coaching change?
Ciara Durant: As much as I am for a coaching change, it’s not going to happen. Our GM has already come out and clearly stated that Randy Carlyle is going nowhere for the remainder of the season. He’s set a clear message that any changes he does make are to his roster. Plain and simple.
Many people are still asking the question, “Why doesn’t Bob Murray just bite the bullet and fire him anyway?” Well, Carlyle has been promised a job in the front office after his tenure as head coach is up. If Bob Murray fires him, the transition to the front office won’t exactly be the smoothest. Murray isn’t going to risk firing his oldest and dearest friend. He wants Carlyle to remain with the franchise, and he’s going to do anything to ensure that happens, even if it means we have to spend the rest of the season with him behind the bench.
Back to the question though. Randy Carlyle does have many faults. First of all, he doesn’t know how to use a toaster. In all seriousness though, his system is old. Teams aren’t using the dump and chase tactic anymore. It just doesn’t work in a league that is evolving into a speed driven industry. He tried earlier in the season to combine the two styles, and it was an absolute mess. He’s always been a defense first coach and, again, that doesn’t work in the NHL anymore.
He also seems to have to exude his authority. As I mentioned in the previous question, he’s lost control of his locker room, and he can’t figure out how to regain control. Also, his special teams are a mess, and while I understand he is not the special teams’ coach, he is the head coach. He is the ultimate authority, and while he shouldn’t abuse his power as head coach, he needs to use it somehow!
When Bob Murray considers a coaching change, I think he needs to seriously consider Scott Niedermayer. Not only does he already have a relationship with players already on the team, but he has the trust of the Samueli’s and Bob Murray. He has done great things for the Gulls down in San Diego, and he is fantastic with youth development.