Detroit Red Wings: Top 5 Centers of All Time

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4. Pavel Datsyuk

For many organizations around the National Hockey League, this guy would be your franchise’s number one all time center hands down no questions asked, so it’s tough to list him here at number four. In terms of pure skill and ability, Datsyuk is one of the most gifted players in all of Detroit Red Wings history.

Currently the teams alternate captain, Datsyuk has been with Detroit since the 2001-02 season which

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saw him help one of the best teams in Detroit Red Wing history capture a Stanley Cup Championship. Throughout the rest of his career Datsyuk has gone on to score 298 goals and record and astounding 869 points. He also has stacked up his fair share of hardware collecting two Stanley Cups, four Lady Byng trophies and three Frank J Selke trophies. He won another cup with the team in the 2007-08 season.

Datsyuk magic is seen which the outstanding plays he is able to set up and still at the age of 36, looks like he could play another 10 years. Datsyuk also provides a tremendous lift in the shootout aspect and has provided some of the prettiest goals in Red Wings history.

Next: #3: Alex Delvecchio